Behavior of bean cultivation to the biofertilizers' application and FitoMas-E.


  • Lic. Roberto Osório-Pérez Ministerio de Educación Superior. MES. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MSc. Mirtha Castañeda-Félix Ministerio de Educación Superior. MES. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Carmen Julia-Márquez Ministerio de Educación Superior. MES. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.


black bean, biofertilizers, FitoMas-E


The investigation was carried out in the Hector Infante UBPC belonging to the Manuel Tames Municipality, using for the sowing certified seeds of black bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L) variety Pellet 42. The project has a term of 3 year-old execution being materialized in its entirety in the year 2014. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the biofertilizers' applications and FitoMas-E, the most effective treatment was the T6 (Rhizobium+palletized Micorriza +FitoMas-E) and who overcame significantly to the rest from the treatments when being increased in 1,8 t/h. with a gain of $41229.40 and a production cost of $1035.4/h being achieved increments of 0.4 t/h, being carried out the evaluation from the agricultural yield to the 80 DDS.


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How to Cite

Osório-Pérez, L. R., Castañeda-Félix, M. M., & Julia-Márquez, L. C. (2016). Behavior of bean cultivation to the biofertilizers’ application and FitoMas-E. Man, Science and Technology, 20(2), 48–56. Retrieved from




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