Quantification of the potentialities foliage biomass and branches of Pinus cubensis. Sarg. ex Griseb.
forest biomass, Pinus cubensis. Sarg. ex Griseb, foliage biomass and branchesAbstract
The study was developed in the patrimony of three Units Silvícolas belonging to the Agroforestal Enterprise Baracoa in the months understood between january and october 2015, with the objective of quantifying the potentialities of foliage biomass and branches of Pinus cubensis. Sarg. ex Griseb, For the obtaining of the general characterization of the patrimony for units and description of the plantations of the species in study as surface, volume, diameter and half height for rodal the was revised "organization Project and development of the forest economy 2008-2017", and by means of the use of the chart of air biomass for the species was quantified the foliage biomass and branches, You determines that in the three evaluated units an appropriate distribution of number of trees doesn't exist for hectare, and that the Unit Silvicola Combat of Sabanilla presents the biggest potentialities of forest biomass.Downloads
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How to Cite
Viquillón-Grecesqui, I. M., Toirac-Arguelle, D. C. W., Ajete-Hernández, D. C. A., & Rodríguez-Matos, D. C. Y. (2016). Quantification of the potentialities foliage biomass and branches of Pinus cubensis. Sarg. ex Griseb. Man, Science and Technology, 20(2), 25–33. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/720
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