Micorriza and methods in the yucca cultivation.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, methods of plantation, mycorrizas, yuccaAbstract
The investigation was developed in the Agricultural Farm Honduras, in the period between the month of August of 2013 and April of 2014. It was employed the variety sweet Jagüey, due to his adaptation to the edafoclimatics conditions and it was plant in a soft brown carbonated ground. The longitude of the plantation material was of 15-20 cm for the horizontal method and of 25-30 cm for the inclined method, with a quantity of yolks among 7-9 and the height of the plants, quantity of shafts, quantity of commercial roots, mass average of the commercial roots, longitude of the roots, yield (t.ha-1) were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the yucca cultivation increases its growth and yield considerably when it is inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the plantation is carried out with the division of the stakes, however the plantation method inclined didn't end up overcoming the yield of the variant planted with the horizontal stakes.
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