Growth and biochemical composition of spirulin (arthrospira Platensis) under controlled conditions.
Spirulin, biochemical composition, arthrospira PlatensisAbstract
The objective was evaluating the growth and biochemical composition of spirulin in laboratory conditions. They were studied different volumes 0.4, 3 and 10 L of crop means, samples in triplicate were taken of 5 ml to determine the growth. Crops were made to dry them later during 72 hours in the stove and spray them, which were used to do the chemical analysis. The results showed that day 3-4 the growth was higher in the different crops, where the one with the lower size was more favorable for biomass production obtaining more elevated values that the ones cultivated in 3 and 0 L, what allows us to check that the aeration and light quantity in the little fiolas gave them more CO2 quantity given by the environment. The chemical composition shows that this weed in laboratory crop presented a protein content of 55,66%, as well as 11,97 of carbohydrate and 4,18 of lipids.
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