Guaiacum officinalis L use to rehabilitate the semiarid zone in Guantánamo County.


  • Ing. Illovis Fernández-Betancourt Centro de Investigación de Suelos de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Teudys Limeres-Jiménez Centro de Investigación de Suelos de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Albaro Blanco-Imbert Centro de Investigación de Suelos de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Marianela Cintra-Arencibia Centro de Investigación de Suelos de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Alexander Fernández-Velazquez Delegación Provincial del CITMA Guantánamo, Unidad de Medio Ambiente, Guantánamo, Cuba.


Guayacán, Guaiacum officinalis, deforestation, semi-arid areas.


The recovery of semi-arid areas by means of the artificial installation of introduced or autochthonous valuable species constitutes an essential step to prevent the desertification process. This work was developed with the purpose of rehabilitating degraded areas using Guaiacum officinalis L. We worked in a dry forest, of “Los Cerezos†community, Imías municipality.  Initially, an inventory was made and existent species were identified; the relative abundance was calculated. To establish the Guayacán was used the enrichment in small groups, with a plantation mark of 2,5 x 2,5 m and the survival was evaluated (%) every six months. It was reforested 2 ha and great guayacán adaptability was shown to the soils and climate conditions of this area with 80% of survival, besides being the most abundant found in the inventory.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Betancourt, I. I., Limeres-Jiménez, M. S. T., Blanco-Imbert, M. S. A., Cintra-Arencibia, L. M., & Fernández-Velazquez, M. S. A. (2015). Guaiacum officinalis L use to rehabilitate the semiarid zone in Guantánamo County. Man, Science and Technology, 19(1), 36–42. Retrieved from




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