Three species of scorpions collected on the franja costera south of Baitiquiri, Guantánamo, Cuba.
Cazierius gundlachii, Rhopalurus garridoi, Centruroides robertoi, scorpionsAbstract
This research was conducted in the desert town of the southern coastal strip Baitiquiri municipality San Antonio del Sur, Guantánamo province, in the months of January and April 2011, with the aim of studying three species of scorpions collected in the range southern coastal Baitiquiri, species Cazierius gundlachii (Karsch, 1880), Rhopalurus garridoi (Armas, 1974) and Centruroides robertoi (Armas, 1976), reported by Teruel & Diaz (2000) Tortuguilla. As a result of the investigation 50 copies the three species Cazierius gundlachii (Karsch, 1880) with a total of 6 copies Rhopalurus garridoi (Armas, 1974) with a total of 28 and Centruroides robertoi (Armas, 1976) with a total reported distributed 16.
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