Impact and Cost of the cutting forest mountain pluvisilva.
pruning operation, loggingAbstract
The following research has the objective of rationalizing the costs in the operation of wooden pruning and the level of damages in Pluvisilvas Forests of Baracoa. Its was considered the time of the cycle starting from the class diamétrica, being obtained the mathematical pattern Tc = 5.02195+0.031267*(da)2. the yields were determined starting from this model, calculating the operation cost then. It was possible to rationalize the costs of the operation of wooden pruning keeping in mind the minimum diameter of short for the species (Calophyllum utile) which is of 49 cm, diminishing the total cost at 1.30 $/m3. You estimates the perimeter of the surface impacted by the glass starting from the class diametric, being obtained the pattern Pc = 7.8322+0.198068*(da) and the provoked damages to the vegetation with a decrease of 41% the productivity was Also of 3.35 m3/h with a cost of 2.06 $/m3.
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