Using Pectimorf and mycorrhiza in growing beets organoponic condition.


  • Dr. C. Luperio Barroso-Frómeta Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña, Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. C. Manuel Riera-Nelson Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña, Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Ing. Mirza Elena- Monier Escuela Provincial de la Agricultura, MINAG Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. C. Adrián Montoya-Ramos Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña, Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. C. Pedro Posos-Ponce Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México


mycorryza, Pectimorf, beet, organoponic, agricultural yields


The present work was carried out in the organoponic “The Gardenâ€, belonging to the Company Several Cultivations Guantanamo among the months of December 2011 until February of 2012 where they were evaluated the parameters dry mass of the root, dry mass of the air part, and the yield of the cultivation of the beet (Beta vulgari, L) of the variety new zelandia. It was used Glomus intraradices like mycorryza stump and the bioestimulante Pectimorf. The data were processed by means of an analysis of simple variance starting from a totally randomized design, using the statistical package STATGRAPHICS Plus 5,1. In a general way, it was confirmed that when the mycorryza was used combined with pectimorf the best results were obtained in the variables of the growth and development what indicates that these products have potentialities to be used in production systems.


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How to Cite

Barroso-Frómeta, D. C. L., Riera-Nelson, D. C. M., Elena- Monier, I. M., Montoya-Ramos, D. C. A., & Posos-Ponce, D. C. P. (2014). Using Pectimorf and mycorrhiza in growing beets organoponic condition. Man, Science and Technology, 18(2), 10–18. Retrieved from




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