Production of onion (Allium cepa. L) in Guantanamo salinizados del Valley soils.


  • M Sc. Albaro Blanco-Imbert Centro de Investigación de Suelos, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic, Antonio Márquez-Calavia CCSF Enrique Campos Caballeros. Guantánamo. Cuba
  • M Sc. Teudys Limeres- Jiménez Centro de Investigación de Suelos, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Illovis Fernández-Betancourt Centro de Investigación de Suelos, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Marianela Cintra-Arencibia Centro de Investigación de Suelos, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Alexander Fernández-Velazquez Delegación Provincial del CITMA. Unidad de Medio Ambiente. Guantánamo, Cuba


Allium cepa L, onion, onion production.


To evaluate the productive answer of six onion varieties introduced in Guantanamo County, was develop a study in Antonio Marquez farmer´s areas, and located in La Jabilla. The introduced varieties were Ceres gold, Granex 2000, Hanna f1, Crystalline, Star 5553 and Angelina, which were compared with Yellow F1 variety cultivated until that moment. Were plants manual and direct in a Fluvisoldiffentiated soil, carbonated gender with low organic matter content and salinity levels between 1.07 and 1.14 dS.m-1, considered as low. It was set parcels of 2.4 m2 (four rows of a meter) and was evaluated the central rows like calculation area (0.8 m2). Ceres Gold variety obtains the biggest yield (46.52 t.ha-1), followed by Granex 2000 and Hanna f1 varieties who achieve yields of 37.58 t. ha-1 and 37.22 t.ha-1, respectively.



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How to Cite

Blanco-Imbert, M. S. A., Márquez-Calavia, L. A., Limeres- Jiménez, M. S. T., Fernández-Betancourt, I., Cintra-Arencibia, M., & Fernández-Velazquez, M. S. A. (2014). Production of onion (Allium cepa. L) in Guantanamo salinizados del Valley soils. Man, Science and Technology, 18(1), 26–32. Retrieved from




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