Diagnosis and projections grain crop in Guantanamo province.


  • M Sc. Rosa Virgen Garcell-Faure Escuela Provincial de Capacitación “José Martí”, Guantánamo, Cuba.


diagnostic agroforesty, environmental factors, yields


We diagnosed the factors leading to low yields in the cultivation of grains and projected strategic action plans development. Through surveys were determined adverse natural conditions prevailing in the province and that are challenging to solve for this crop, such are the events of drought, salinity and erosion of soils that affect land desertification and the influence high temperatures. Percentage method was used with SPSS and qualitative evaluation by determining the frequencies and applying the non-parametric chi-square assessing the following indicators: expected production value ($. Ha-1), fertilization costs ($. Ha-1 ). Expected benefit ($. Ha-1) and ratio B / C. The factors limiting crop production of the kernel training edaphoclimatic, crop management and few areas are cultivated grains.


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How to Cite

Garcell-Faure, M. S. R. V. (2013). Diagnosis and projections grain crop in Guantanamo province. Man, Science and Technology, 17(4), 85–94. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/532

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