Dynamics and distribution of Achatina fulica in the municipalities of the state of Miranda in Venezuela.


  • Ing. Noralhi Quero-Bello Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Barlovento. Estado de Miranda. Venezuela.
  • Dr. C. Manuel Riera-Nelson Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba


Achatina fulica, cultivation, rain time


The work was developed in the state Bolivariano of Miranda, from January of 2011 until December 2012. For the development of the work the methodology was used settled down by the institution of the United States of America "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" (APHIS) of the 2007, through of the search, detention, period, time of sampling and evidences. To complete the objectives the variable number of snails, appearance frequency and distribution percentage they were valued in the cultivations. The results demonstrated that Achatina fulica is in 81% of the municipalities of the Miranda state, with a very superior population in the rain time and it affected to diverse cultivations like the ornamental ones, Bananas, Carica papaya and Mandarin among others.


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How to Cite

Quero-Bello, I. N., & Riera-Nelson, D. C. M. (2013). Dynamics and distribution of Achatina fulica in the municipalities of the state of Miranda in Venezuela. Man, Science and Technology, 17(4), 45–53. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/528

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