Main requerimientos agroecológicos for establishing Theobroma cacao, lin in Cuba.


  • Ing. Zaimara Vázquez-Lavaut Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Giclis M.-Suárez Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Rey F.-Guarat Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Norbelis Abreu-Romero Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Eblis Sanchez


agroecological requirements, Theobroma cacao, lin, cocoa


The research was carried out in two stages: review of existing information on the topic and lift the agroecological conditions of the place, were related through the information processing using the database in Access under Windows and correlation factors through linear correlation analysis. Being shown that the main demands of cocoa agro Cuba correspond to the conditions of mean annual rainfall of 1500 mm, with daily average temperatures between 22-28 ° C, high relative humidity no higher than 700 meters above sea level, wind speed not greater than 2 m / s, suitable conditions with excellent drainage and soil fertility slope not greater than 30% and deep soil. Higher cocoa production results are obtained in suitable ecological conditions also considering the technological, economic and social factors that influence the production system.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Lavaut, I. Z., M.-Suárez, I. G., F.-Guarat, I. R., Abreu-Romero, I. N., & Sanchez, I. . E. (2013). Main requerimientos agroecológicos for establishing Theobroma cacao, lin in Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 10(3). Retrieved from