Use of Pectimorf and micorriza in the cultivation of the beet under (Beta vulgari, L).
beet, organopónico, micorriza, biostimulant, bioprepared.Abstract
In the experiment it was used Glomus intraradices like micorrizas stump and the biostimulant Pectimorf a bioprepared in form it liquidates they were evaluated the indicative dry mass of the root, dry mass of the air part, polar and equatorial diameter of the fruit, dry mass of the fruit and of the air part, long of the root, dry mass of the complete plant, yield and the growth-development of the cultivation of the beet of the variety new zelandia in organopónico., it allowed to evaluate the effect of Pectimorf and Micorrizas and the combination of both in the behavior of the growth-development and the yield of the cultivation. The data were processed by means of an analysis of simple variance starting from a totally randomized design, using the statistical package STATGRAPHICS Bonus 5,1. When micorriza is used combined with pectimorf better results they are obtained in the variables of the growth - I develop and these products have potentialities to be used in production systems.
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