Behavior of strategic items in different productive ways, municipality Acevedo, state Miranda.
strategic items, you form productive, agricultural sovereigntyAbstract
The present work was developed in the Municipality Acevedo, belonging to the State Miranda, in the Republic Bolivariana of Venezuela, in the date understood from January of the year 2011 until May of 2012, with the objective of evaluating the behavior of the strategic items in the different productive ways of the reference municipality. The data took starting from a revision of the primary information (Statistical Annual of the Ministry of the Popular Power For The Agriculture and Lands 2008-2011, and the VII National Agricultural Census, 2007-2009); as well as secondary data of productive units. Interviews and surveys were also applied with key informants. The strategic items are related with their production form, framed in the Law of security and agricultural sovereignty, the cultivations of short cycles are also cultivated in the class agrológica I, II, III and IV and the perennial ones in the floors types: V, VI, VII AND VIII.
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