Risk factors for infant mortality
infant mortality, analytical-observational studyAbstract
It was carried out an analytical-observational study on cases and controls prospective with the objective of identify the principal causes and risk factors related to infant mortality in Aguacatán municipality. The universe was formed by 15 cases of death during the first year of life, and the controls in each case were paired (Surviving children under a year, from the same place and month of birth). The information was computed with the statistical package EPINFO and it was analyzed according to the 95 percent of assurance interval for the OR. The rate of infant mortality was 29.2 per every thousand born alive, and the principal causes of death were: pneumonia, neon-natal sepsis and the E.D.A. The risk factors of higher significance related to the death rate were: low weight when born, the mother’s low height, bad living conditions and the short intergenesic period. The results were compared with the consulted bibliography.
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