Characterization of Climatic Variables of the Solid Mountainous Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa.


  • Alexander Fernández-Velazquez Delegación Provincial del CITMA de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Rolando Baza-Pacho Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Arisleydeis Peña-de La Cruz Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lida Vicia Gómez-Rodriguez Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Guantánamo, Cuba.


Climate, Solid Mountainous Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa


The tendencies that are observed in the climate can cause negative impacts on the main socioeconomic activities and very especially in the agricultural sector. The investigation carried out the characterization of elements of the climate of the solid one keeping in mind factors like: temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, among other, starting from generated information and of the Geographical use of Systems of Information (SIG), maps of the solid Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa were made, being determined that a wide variability of the studied variables exists and fundamentally of the precipitation, with values inferior ends to 1000 mm and superiors to 3000 mm of annual precipitation.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Velazquez, A., Baza-Pacho, R., Peña-de La Cruz, A., & Gómez-Rodriguez, L. V. (2013). Characterization of Climatic Variables of the Solid Mountainous Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa. Man, Science and Technology, 17(1), 1–8. Retrieved from




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