Participatory assessment, key to decision making.
agroecosistem, alternativas agroecológicas, investigación participativa.Abstract
The study was conducted in 2004 in the Credit and Service Cooperative (CCS) "Carlos Montalbán" Palma Soriano in the municipality Santiago de Cuba province, in order to characterize the agro-ecosystem and identify key technical production constraints thereof. For this study, the methodology used was based on the principles of participatory action research, designing from the integration of multi-criteria analysis methods and tools for the study of sustainability, it included a general characterization of the agro- selected ecosystems, which was developed from the PRA and was aimed at achieving a valuation sociocultural dimensions, ecological and economic-productive CCS. determined where the 11 key issues limiting sustainable development, being established and prioritized , counting on the active participation of the cooperative to make the right decisions and transform, using agro-ecological alternatives.
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