The Biobras-16's effect in the Lycopersicum esculentum Mil. in the municipality's semiarid zone Imías.
Biobras-16, Lycopersicom esculentum MillAbstract
To determine the doses and moments of Biobras-16 application in the cultivations of Lycopersicum esculentum. Mill. for increasing the agricultural yielding in the semidesert lands in  Imías Municipality. To full fill the objective the bioactive product as known Biobras-16 was usedit was applied in three doses: T-1 dose 0,02 ml.L-1; T-2 dose 0.06 ml.L-1; T-3 dose 0,2 ml.L-1  and the T-4 samples. An experimental design of blocks was used at random with four treatments and same number of replicas. The evaluated variables were: germination (%), height of the plants (cm), number of fruits for plants, fecundation%, and yield (t.ha-1) it was obtained that the bioactive product was effective in all the treatments being the dose of 0,02 ml.L-1 the most effective in both cultivations.
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