Virulence factors in strains of Vibrio cholerae no-O1.
vibrio cholerae no-o1 virulence factors, acute diarrheic illnessAbstract
The bacterial virulence represent the capacity that some biological agents posses to infect and to produce pathological effects in an organism invaded. It was carried out a study in the National Laboratory of Reference of Acute Diarrheic Illnesses of the Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kourí" (IPK), with the objective of characterize phenotypically 63 strains of Vibrio cholerae no-O1, isolated of grounds of patient with acute diarrheal illness. It was carried out the confirmation of the gender by means of biochemical tests, as well as it was determined some factors of virulence like: production of extracellular enzymes (Dnase, gelatinase, lecitinase, elastase, and hemolysine). It was evidenced in all the isolates the presence of a factor of virulence at least. This study contributes to a better knowledge of the pathogenic potential of this microorganism in Cuba.
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