Educational Intervention of the General Integral Medicine against the familiar violence.


  • Raisa Winter-Domínguez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Fidel Robinson-Jay Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Danay Ramos-Duharte Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Erminda Mena-Nápoles Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • María Esther Guilarte-Acosta Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.


familiar violence, educational communal intervention.


One of objectives of strategy of Primary Attention in Cuba constitutes the family's health. An interest becomes of the system of health Cuban the conceptual development, methodological and pilot of this area of knowledge. a Theoretic job that he describes came true different determining of familiar violence like problem of health, the family Is  Shown How To it belongs to the social macrostructure, an important role fulfills intermediate instance among the factors of character in the meantime macro social and the individual. The material and spiritual basic needs for the fomentation and conservation of health and the well-being get satisfied in the family.   Relation exposes itself family - health in aftermath of investigations Cubans. Little methodology proposes an alternative itself than applied like educational communal intervention, contribute to the treatment, control and overcoming of.


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Author Biographies

Raisa Winter-Domínguez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.


Fidel Robinson-Jay, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.


Danay Ramos-Duharte, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.


Erminda Mena-Nápoles, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.


María Esther Guilarte-Acosta, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Guantánamo, Cuba.




How to Cite

Winter-Domínguez, R., Robinson-Jay, F., Ramos-Duharte, D., Mena-Nápoles, E., & Guilarte-Acosta, M. E. (2012). Educational Intervention of the General Integral Medicine against the familiar violence. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from