Teacher preparation for the integration of content in the training of the Intermediate Technician in Mountain Agronomy


  • Dayma Ruiz - Campo Instituto Politécnico Agropecuario Horacio Matthew Orihuela, Yateras, Guantánamo – Cuba
  • Ibia Villalón - Jiménez Universidad de Guantánamo, Carretera de Jamaica, Guantánamo - Cuba
  • Felipe Enio Robas - Díaz Universidad de Guantánamo, Carretera de Jamaica, Guantánamo - Cuba
  • Carmen del Milagros Odio - Brooks Universidad de Guantánamo, Carretera de Jamaica, Guantánamo - Cuba
  • Claudia Teresa Bueno-Villalón Universidad de Guantánamo, Carretera de Jamaica, Guantánamo - Cuba


Preparation; Teacher; Integration of content; Educator


The work addresses the preparation of the teacher for the integration of content in the professional training of students of the medium technician in Mountain Agronomy, which makes it possible to provide them with knowledge, skills and values, in correspondence with the Model of the professional. The objective of this work is to carry out a systematization about the preparation of teachers for the integration of content. This allowed to transform the educational reality of the training of mountain professionals. Methods of educational research were used, such as observation, analysis and synthesis, documentary analysis. The evaluation of the results, from the implementation, demonstrates its convenience and viability. It is concluded that the preparation of the teacher of the specialty Mountain Agronomy, is important in the training of students, taking into consideration the need to direct this process from the model of the professional.


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How to Cite

Ruiz - Campo, D. ., Villalón - Jiménez, I., Robas - Díaz, F. E. ., Odio - Brooks, C. del M. ., & Bueno-Villalón, C. T. . (2025). Teacher preparation for the integration of content in the training of the Intermediate Technician in Mountain Agronomy. Man, Science and Technology, 28(4), 141–149. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1463


