Digestibility of diets for fattening rabbits, including cocoa husk (Theobroma cacao L.) fermented
Cocoa husk flour, Digestibility coefficient, CunicultureAbstract
With the objective of evaluating the apparent digestibility coefficient (CDA) of nutrients in diets including fermented cocoa shell flour (HCCF) in fattening rabbits, three diets were prepared with levels of this (0 %, 10 % and 20 %) An “In vivo” digestibility study was carried out for which 30 male rabbits of the Chinchilla breed were used with a completely randomized design. The inclusion of HCCF in the diets did not affect the CDA of MS and PB, high values were found for the latter (76.39 % and 76.91 %) for inclusion levels 10 % and 20 %, the CDAs of Cz and FB increased with the inclusion of HCCF, with differences between the diets. The results indicate that HCCF has a good content of digestible nutrients for fattening rabbits, with CDA values of PB above 70%.
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