Practices on environmental education through interest circles in Primary Education, in the municipality of El Salvador, Guantánamo


  • Yariurmis Sánchez-García Dirección municipal de trabajo El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Mireidy Ramírez-Trimiño Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña, El Salvador. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Nuria Charón-Castillo Centro Universitario Municipio El Salvador. Guantánamo, Cuba


Circulate of interest; Environmental Education; Primary education


We worked in educacional institutions with a total of 30 students, 14 females and 16 males, from the Primary educational level (Floro Pérez Díaz, from Carrera Larga and Hermanos Sánchez Olmedo from the municipality itself), in the Guantánamo Province, with the aim of developing capacities through interest circles to strengthen the environmental culture of sixth grade students. The research was exploratory, not experimental. The methodology was based on the principles of Action-Participation Research and was articulated with Popular Education techniques. The development of capacities, from the circle of interest, is of great importance in the protection of the environment in each community. Incorporating boys and girls in this action contributes to the strengthening of an environmental culture. The practical activities designed were motivating for the schoolchildren, conceived from the local level.



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How to Cite

Sánchez-García, Y. ., Ramírez-Trimiño, M. ., & Charón-Castillo, N. . (2024). Practices on environmental education through interest circles in Primary Education, in the municipality of El Salvador, Guantánamo. Man, Science and Technology, 28(1), 8–13. Retrieved from




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