Predatory mites present in the Arecaceae family in the City of Baracoa


  • Luis Andreis González-Gómez Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa. Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Raudy Katherin-Semanat Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa. Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Pavel Columbié-Jiménez Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Jesús Arreola-Enríquez Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México
  • Javier Enrique Vera-López Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México


Predatore mites; Arecaceae family; Phytoseidae


With the objective of determining the predatory mites present in the Arecaceae family in the City of Baracoa, a study was carried out between December 2021 and April 2022. The data was taken in all the arteries (streets) that comprise the City. A total of 155 samplings were carried out on 5 species of plants, belonging to the Arecaceae family. 5 plants were selected by sampling and from each of them five leaflets were extracted from the middle part of the lower leaves. A high percentage of predatory mites was traced, which allowed the identification of the Phytoseidae family as one of the most frequent for the Arecaceae family, with a total of 9 host plants, where the highest percentage of representation is in Adonodia merrillii with 97, 13 % and the list of predatory mites present in the Arecaceae family was updated.


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How to Cite

González-Gómez, L. A. ., Katherin-Semanat, R. ., Columbié-Jiménez, P. ., Arreola-Enríquez, J. ., & Vera-López, J. E. . (2024). Predatory mites present in the Arecaceae family in the City of Baracoa. Man, Science and Technology, 27(3), 47–56. Retrieved from




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