Agroproductive behavior of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), in different doses of efficient microorganism and distance between plants
Lettuce; Productivity; Efficient microorganism; Distance between plantsAbstract
To evaluate the effect of different doses of efficient microorganism and distance between plants on the agro-productive indicators of lettuce in the El Salvador municipality, the research was carried out on completely randomized design 5 treatments. The comparison of the means was mad with the Tukey test at 5% probability of error. The agrotechnical tasks were carried out according to the indications of the Technical Manual of Organoponics for Lettuce Cultivation. Plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh weight and yield were evaluated. The treatment where 3,0 ml of EM 2% was applied every 15 days at a distance of 0,35 m between plants yielded 0,99 t/ha. Economically this treatment reported the highest profits with $ 21.160,00 and a benefit/cost ratio of $ 6,10.
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