Obtaining seedlings of Anacardium occidentale L with the use of bioproducts to rehabilitate areas degraded by mining


  • Ing. Dioletzis Rodríguez Palacios Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa. CP: 95100-Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MSc. Domingo Guerra Sobrado Universidad de Guantánamo
  • Ing. Pavel Columbié Jiménez Universidad de Guantánamo
  • Dr. C. Jesús Arreola Enríquez Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México
  • MSc. Javier Vera López Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México


Anacardium Occidentale seedlings; Vigorten; CTA-Humus


With the objective of evaluating the effect of different doses of Vigortem® and cta-Humus bioproducts in obtaining Anacardium occidentale seedlings for the rehabilitation of areas degraded by mining in Cedrones Baracoa. A test was carried out in nursery areas with the direct application to the seeds before sowing and 15 days after Vigortem® and one application of CTA-Humus. Height, stem diameter, number of leaves, fresh mass and dry mass, and growth indices were evaluated. From the data obtained, an analysis of variance was performed, for a randomized design. Duncan's Multiple Range Comparison Test was used for 95% to separate the means. It was obtained that the doses of 6 L. ha-1 of Vigortem® combined with CTA-Humus offer the most significant values in the growth and development of the Anacardium occidentale seedling under nursery conditions.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Palacios, I. D. ., Guerra Sobrado, M. D. ., Columbié Jiménez, I. P. ., Arreola Enríquez, D. C. J. ., & Vera López, M. J. . (2024). Obtaining seedlings of Anacardium occidentale L with the use of bioproducts to rehabilitate areas degraded by mining. Man, Science and Technology, 26(4), 100–108. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1325


