Answer of Varieties of Sugar Cane, to Micorrizas's inoculation
Micorrizas; Sugar cane; SimbiosisAbstract
For the sake of determining the best answer of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.), In front of Hongos Micorrízicos Arbusculares's application, himself I execute an experiment with experimental design of blocks at random in the UBPC Manuel Sánchez, perteneciente to the Empresa Azucarera Argeo Martínez, of the province Guantánamo, in the period understood of Noviembre of the 2019 to Marzo of the 2020, with varieties C1050-73 and C 8751, in the experiment, the dose of 10g for ancestry of cane and witnesses without application were used. The variables evaluated length of the stem (cm), thickness of the stem themselves (mm) and I number of sheets (Or) in three moment (14, 28 and 42 days after application), the performance (t/ha-1) The results demonstrated than where you applied over yourself the Ecomic they obtained to the control superior results. The most effective Treatment was the 4 (C1051-73+Ecomic) getting utility from $ 10155.33.
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