Energy efficiency according to NC ISO 50001 in the Santiago de Cuba Rum Factory


  • Mirurgia Castillo-Hechavarría Oficina Nacional para el Control y Uso Racional de la Energía, Santiago de Cuba
  • Yosvani Joa-Quintana Oficina Nacional para el Control y Uso Racional de la Energía, Santiago de Cuba
  • Julián Pérez-Castañeda Oficina Nacional para el Control y Uso Racional de la Energía, Santiago de Cuba
  • Julián Pérez-Castañeda Oficina Nacional para el Control y Uso Racional de la Energía, Santiago de Cuba
  • Amílcar Félix Roldan-Ruenes Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.


Energy baseline; energy performance; energy policy; energy efficiency and continuous improvemen


The energy review carried out at Ronera Santiago de Cuba, taking into account the requirements of the NC-ISO 50001: "Energy Management System" based on a continuous improvement cycle, using tools and techniques such as: work with experts, energy diagnostics, document review, tools of the Total and Efficient Energy Management Technology (TGTEE). From the detailed analysis of the energy consumption structure, the areas of significant use, each process, each equipment, each of the systems, as well as the instrumentation, it was possible to achieve the results of the energy planning process by determining the energy baseline as a comparative reference, the energy performance indicators, as well as the formulation of objectives and action plans according to the entity's energy policy. This allowed to evaluate the savings potentials, as well as the environmental impact and energy cost in the entity.


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How to Cite

Castillo-Hechavarría, M., Joa-Quintana, Y. . ., Pérez-Castañeda, J. ., Pérez-Castañeda, J. ., & Roldan-Ruenes, A. F. . (2024). Energy efficiency according to NC ISO 50001 in the Santiago de Cuba Rum Factory . Man, Science and Technology, 26(3), 1–10. Retrieved from


