Implementation of actions to promote environmental education in social actors from Bayate community
Environmental education, actions, BayaAbstract
Present it investigation, pay tribute to a thesis of culmination of studies of the Bachelor's Degree in Estudios Socioculturales for development, it has like purpose to implement a system of actions to propitiate an environmental education in the community of Bayate located at the municipality of El Salvador. They studied the theoretic foundations and metodológicos that held the epistemological arguments of the investigation that you set yourself. Specialized bibliography was looked up, becoming verified the need to promote the Environmental Education. They identified the principal half environmental problems of Bayate's community. Environmental Educación's actions became elaborate taking into account the social actors' participation. The implementation of Environmental Educación's actions achieved evident transformations in the social actors implicated in investigation, demostrándose changes referred to the protection of the ambient midway.
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