Evaluation of the environmental vulnerability at the National Park Alejandro of humbolth
environmental vulnerability; diversity florística; fores; speciesAbstract
The investigation was carried out in forests pluvisilva, in ofiolitas, of low altitude, National Park Alejandro of Humboldt, located among the X:721 293,45; AND: 201 469,35 coordenates. Guantánamo, in October of 2019, with the objective of evaluating the environmental vulnerability, structures and the forest floristic composition. 21 parcels of 500m2 settled down aleatorily, being determined species number, individuals for species and stratum, also the diameter and height. The structure was characterized according to the wealth, abundance, proportional dominancia and the index of value of ecological importance, you proceeded to evaluate the environmental vulnerability. The species of more indexes of importance were Calophyllum utili. Britton and Jambosa vulgaris. AD. Ehretia tinifolia. L, the most vulnerable parcels environmentally were from one to six , which demands some actions directed to reduce the vulnerability levels guided to achieve an integral forest administration by means of a proactive focus evaluation.
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