Unification of electrical services in Graphic UEB Juan Marinello
unification, power factor, demand, energetic carrier, environment, gases of greenhouse effectAbstract
This report shows the results obtained by a work team in coordination with the EMER company, for the unification of electrical services in the graphic UEB Juan Marinello (polygraphic industry) with the aim of making better use and / or taking advantage of the installed capacity in the Main Substation Reducer (SPR) bringing with it an increase in the availability of electrical energy consumption, a reduction in losses due to transformation when a 1000 kVA electrical transformer was disconnected, an improvement in our power factor and a decrease in the maximum contracted demand, all of this influencing electricity billing in a positive way, as costs are reduced due to these concepts and other advantages in the organizational aspect, in addition to the environmental impact, since the departure of the aforementioned transformer, fuel is no longer burned to support its electrical demand and the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and others.
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