Soil conservation to mitigate processes of degradation in mountainous ecosystems of Guantánamo. Cuba.
soil degradation; soil conservation; phytosanitary strategyAbstract
In areas of the UBPC Máximo Gómez Cala, soil conservation actions were carried out that allowed mitigating the degradation processes to which 90% of their lands are subjected. Work was carried out on two farms, to which the main limiting factors were diagnosed and then a management plan was implemented with the corresponding soil conservation measures: planting of live barriers and green manures, correction of gullies and construction of dead barriers in farm I, while on farm II stand out the establishment coverage and dead barriers, the application of organic matter and the construction of blocks. A phytosanitary strategy was established for the control of pests and diseases in the different crops in addition to the reforestation of the areas. Soil losses were reduced by 1.03 and 1.11 t. ha-1. year-1 respectively, for its accumulation in the barriers.
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