Peer review process
The review policy is the guide that shows how the Editorial Board of the Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología journal carries out the process of evaluating the scientific contributions that it receives.
Contributions sent to the sections of original articles and short articles will be submitted anonymously to peer review in the object of study and / or methodology used, using the double-blind system to ensure impartiality of the process and that meet the standards of Publication, keeping special care with established ethical standards and avoiding conflicts of interest.
The Council of Evaluators is made up of prestigious personalities, scientists and researchers from Cuba and abroad. The evaluators will have 30 days to issue their criteria on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the articles. This review process protects both the authors and the experts reviewing the manuscripts.
The wording of the journal reserves the right to reject contributions that it does not deem appropriate for publication.
The evaluators can recommend to the Editorial Committee that the article be:
- 1. Accepted.
- 2. Accepted with modifications.
- 3. Rejected.
And they will take into account:
- Quality and accuracy of the arguments presented
2. Validity of data submitted
3. Opportunity and relevance of the article for the discussion of problems in the research area
4. Originality of work
5. Importance of the issue addressed
Review policy
The revision policy is the guide in which the Editorial Board of the Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología journal reviews the scientific contributions it receives.
Editorial evaluation
It is the first revision carried out by the Editor and / or associated editors; It has a maximum duration of 5 days. Some of the criteria considered are:
- 1. The relationship between the content of the article and the topics of the journals.
- 2. Structure of the article according to the instructions for the presentation of the article that the journal demands.
- 3. Proper technical vocabulary.
- 4. General aspects of the novelty of work.
- 5. Appropriate structure of the summary, key words, conclusions and bibliographical references.
According to the result of this evaluation, three possible decisions are taken:
- Decision 1: Reject in case of not complying with points 1, 2, 4 and 5.
- Decision 2: Make editorial changes in form and presentation. The author will have a week to make and deliver the corrected article.
- Decision 3: Accept it without modifications, in this case the article is ready to be submitted to the academic evaluation.
Each one of the decisions will be managed and informed by the main Editor of the journal to the authors, associated editors and referees, as appropriate in each case.
Academic evaluation
It is carried out from the double-blind peer review system and in strict anonymity. For this process two referees are used and in case there is a contradiction in the decision of the referees, the article will be evaluated by a third referee.
Selection of referees
Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal has a database of national and international referees, classified by academic category, distributed by disciplinary areas and institutions, in this way the Editorial Committee of our journal guarantees that the referees are external to the publishing entity and the entity of the authors who send their contributions.
Academic review time
The article can be evaluated up to 3 times maximum, according to the complexity of the changes and the suggestions of the referees. In a first academic review, the referees will make and issue a first opinion in a maximum period of 3 weeks. If necessary, it will make and deliver a second and third academic report in a maximum period of 2 weeks for each case. The total time of the academic review will not exceed 4 months.
Decisions of the academic review:
The referees can take three types of decisions:
Decision 1. Reject work, if work:
- It does not make a new scientific contribution.
- The result is outdated.
- It is proven to be a plagiarism.
- There is no correspondence between the purpose of the research, the methods used and the results obtained.
- Expose insufficient results and analysis of these in the article.
Decision 2. Make changes to the article. On the other hand, changes have been classified as minimal changes, moderate changes and complex changes.
- Minimal changes:
- Order bibliographical references.
- Consistent writing of the introduction.
- Suitable keywords.
- Titles of tables and figures.
In this case, the author will have 2 weeks to correct and deliver the article. In case the article is reviewed a second time, the author will have 1 week to deliver the corrected article.
- Moderate changes:
- Clarify materials and methods.
- Reorganize the structure of the article.
- Redo the introduction (clarify novelty / importance and contribution).
- Synthesize results.
- Improve tables and figures.
In this case, the author will have 3 weeks to correct and deliver the article; In case the article is reviewed a second time, the author will have 1 week to deliver the corrected article.
- Complex changes:
- Clarify the correspondence between: introduction / materials and methods / results and conclusions.
- Improve the discussion of results.
- Expose the results better, in accordance with the established objectives.
- Update bibliographical references.
- Clarify materials and methods in correspondence with the results obtained.
In this case, the author will have 4 weeks to correct and deliver the article. In case the article is reviewed a second time, the author will have a week to deliver the corrected article.
Decision 3. Accept the article without modifications.
Each one of the decisions will be managed and informed by the main editor of the journal to the authors, referees and correction of writing and style, as well as realization, as appropriate in each case.
Final evaluation
It is made from the fact that the article has been edited and processed and sent to the author so that, within a maximum period of 5 days, the author notifies the editor of the journal of his agreement to publish it. The author can only make minimal changes in grammar and writing. In case the author exceeds the established time, the article will be postponed for publication in number of later editions of the journal Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología.