Thematic maps for decision makers at " Solidaridad con Angola” CPA, San Antonio del Sur.


  • Ms.C. Dagnoris Silva-Guirola Facultad Agroforestal. Universidad de Guantánamo. Av. Che Guevara Km. 1. 5 Carr. Jamaica, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ms.C. Juan Emilio Osnil-Moisés Facultad Agroforestal. Universidad de Guantánamo. Av. Che Guevara Km. 1. 5 Carr. Jamaica, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ms.C Luis G. Moisés-Medina Facultad Agroforestal. Universidad de Guantánamo. Av. Che Guevara Km. 1. 5 Carr. Jamaica, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Elio Neyra-Abreu Facultad Agroforestal. Universidad de Guantánamo. Av. Che Guevara Km. 1. 5 Carr. Jamaica, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Yuriel Pineda-Hinojosa Facultad Agroforestal. Universidad de Guantánamo. Av. Che Guevara Km. 1. 5 Carr. Jamaica, Guantánamo, Cuba.


Cadastre, Geosciences, Use and tenancy of the ground


The following work was carried out at the CPA "Solidarity with Angola" of Guaibanó Popular Council, in Caujerí Valley, with the objective of implementing Cadastral Thematic Maps on land use and its physical and chemical characteristics to propitiate decision making, from the methodological application of geosciences in the MapInfo Professional Software, which allows the inventory, analysis, diagnosis and ordering of the soil and its productive bases. Its significance lies on the possibilities of interacting with the agricultural heritage of the CPA in digital format and the organization, planning, direction and control of the productive processes; thematic maps were designed to improve the management system and the purposes, corroborating the functionality of the geodesic tool for decision making on the board of directors of the CPA.


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How to Cite

Silva-Guirola, M. D., Osnil-Moisés, M. J. E., Moisés-Medina, M. L. G., Neyra-Abreu, L. E., & Pineda-Hinojosa, I. Y. (2019). Thematic maps for decision makers at " Solidaridad con Angola” CPA, San Antonio del Sur. Man, Science and Technology, 23(2), 103–112. Retrieved from


