Effect of Micro- Ben on the germination of the seed and seedlings of Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Satandl.


  • Mar Belkis Gallardo-L Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Montaña.
  • Ana Gladis Gallardo-L Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Montaña.
  • MsC Amaury D Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Montaña.


Caesalpinia violacea, beneficial microorganisms


There were carried out experiments under laboratory and semicontrolated conditions in order to evaluate the effect of de microbial inoculant Micro-Ben on the germination of seeds and the quality of seedlings of Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Satandl.  A pilot randomized block design with four treatments and three replications was used. The statistical processing of the data was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for simple classification and the averages were compared through multiple range test of Tukey at p <0.0 to 5%. The data analysis was performed using the statistical package Statgraphic Plus version 5.1. The results showed that the highest values achieved in the germination of seeds of the species Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Satandl under controlled conditions were obtained with the application of micro-ben 5%.


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How to Cite

Gallardo-L, M. B., Gallardo-L, A. G., & D, M. A. (2018). Effect of Micro- Ben on the germination of the seed and seedlings of Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.) Satandl. Man, Science and Technology, 22, 54–59. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/917




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