Evaluation of the organoleptic quality of coffee in La Tagua Economical Business Unit, Guantánamo.
coffee, variety, organoleptic quality, adaptabilityAbstract
The research was carried out in different localities of La Tagua Business Economic Unit (UEB), belonging to "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Coffee Processing Company of Guantánamo, with the aim of evaluating the physical and organoleptic quality of the coffee grain in two varieties of Coffea arabica L. The data were collected in five zones: Guaval, Potosí, Bad wall, Monte Alto and Caña. These locations were chosen because they provide 80% of Arabic coffee to the UEB plan. 60 samples were collected in September and November, 2016. The main results indicated that Catimor variety showed better adaptability in Potosí and Monte Alto locations in terms of intensity of the dry smell, smell, acidity, bitterness, texture and global impression. As for the flavors chocolate, fruit, floral, citrus, sweet and soft the best area was Potosí.
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