Technological changes that contribute to increase the sugar cane yields.
sugar cane, new technologies, increase.Abstract
There are shown the results derived from the introduction of new technologies in the cultivation of the sugar cane with criteria of sustainability by the System of Agricultural Extension in “Arquímides Colina” Base Enterprise Unit during 2015- 2017. It was evaluated the plantation on furrows of wide base and the application of Enerplant biomodulator, with dose of 2.6 ml/ha + 2 l/ ha of FitoMas-E in two applications, in comparison with a standard in different localities. It was applicated the comparison statistical analysis by means of the T-Student test and the economic valuation. The results evidenced that the plantation on furrows of wide base had an increment of 21 t/ha in relation to the traditional planting. The treatment of 2.6 ml/ha of Enerplant + 2 l/ha of FitoMas-E in two applications had an average increment of 6.8 t/ha. Both results are translated in bigger economic benefits for the farmers.
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