The accuracy farming, a necessity for the Mechanization Major curriculum
agricultural mechanization, accuracy farming, agricultural productions, curriculumAbstract
This paper deals with the need to provide specialized contents on the main advances in science and technology in the agricultural production sector to the students of the Mechanization major atHolguínUniversity. The knowledge related to the services and products provided by the accuracy farming and its contribution to the sustainable agriculture by increasing the efficiency, reducing costs and contributing to the solution of social problems are essential to fullfill the academic training of the future professionals of education in technical and occupational schools in Holguín province as well as in other regions of the country. Thus, precising the proposal of a syllabus of a proper subject “Accuracy Farming” constitutes the principal motive of the current work; for this reason, the analysis of the need for its implementation on the curriculum of this major is taken as a point pf departure.
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