Study on the vinaza electric curdling process by using aluminum electrodes.
Vinaza, electric curdling, suppressing organic structuresAbstract
This work is one of the researches carried out at Universidad de Oriente in the searching of solutions which allow obtaining the most suitable operational conditions, from the technical and economical points of view that influence on the vinaza electric curdling process by using aluminum electrodes. The vinaza used on this work is obtained as a remainder at the time of obtaining ethyl alcohol.There were made experimental tests to determine the electrical power density, the electrolysis time and the pH of the solution. During the study of the electric curdling process the color has been set as an indicative element of the vinaza quality, and in order to keep measuring the effectiveness of this process regarding its cleaning after pollution and getting suppressing organic structures of the corrosion, an economical analysis has been made to identify the operational cost on bills for every ton of organic structures removed.
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