Strategy of environmental education for the protection of the Cyclura nubila at the coastal community of Baitiquirí- Los Naranjos.
environmental education, Integrated Handling of Coast Zones, coastal resourcesAbstract
The process of communitary environmental education constitutes the object of study for this investigation linked to the Integrated Handling of Coastal Zones (ZCIH) at Baitiquirí - Los Naranjos community, and its objective is to design an environmental education strategy aimed at the protection of the Cyclura nubila (Coastal Iguana). The proposal of tools to apply while studying the environmental impact is relevant to determine the main actions which carry out both positive and negatives impacts on the environmental factors, as well as the use of the (ZCIH). The main problems in the community which may be dangerous for this almost extinguished specie are related to the weak protection of it, as well as the future deterioration of the ground and the vegetation, so it is possible to achieve a common way of working among the different institutions and the community towards the preservation of the costal resources.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vidiaux-D, M. E., Delgado-L, M. L. P., & Pe, L. I. (2018). Strategy of environmental education for the protection of the Cyclura nubila at the coastal community of Baitiquirí- Los Naranjos. Man, Science and Technology, 22(1), 47–54. Retrieved from
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