Typology of usufructuary producers in the CCS "Calixto García" Holguín municipality.
typologies, producers, usufructuariesAbstract
In order to identify typologies in producers covered by 259 Law Regulation at the CCS "Calixto Garcia" in Holguín, a descriptive research was carried out, using the proposal validated by Mola (2012). The interviews applied to 21 producers were processed using InfoStat program, while the analysis of the main components allowed to distributed them into three groups: the first one (38.7%) with the highest incidence of the variables soil and water use; second one (31.9%) influenced by the soil and type of activity and the third component (10.9%) with higher values the variable water. A typology that settles the producers in three levels was identified, with more significant correlation values for the variables soil and water use, followed by the type of activity with age and finally the work force and water use. The behavior of the age variable in these groups constitutes a relevant element for the typological definition.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cordov, M. B., Guerrero-Bolmey, M. E., & Verdecia-Berm, I. K. (2018). Typology of usufructuary producers in the CCS "Calixto García" Holguín municipality. Man, Science and Technology, 22(1), 39–46. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/846
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