State of preservation of Río Mayarí Nod, Holguín, Cuba.


  • MS.c Roberto P CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí, Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba.
  • MS.c Rafael Salazar-Diez CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí, Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba.
  • MS.c F A. Cabrera-Mart CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí, Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba.
  • Ing. Yunia Montoya-Heredia CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí, Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba.
  • Ing. Anel Matos-Vi CITMA. Estación de Investigaciones Integrales de la Montaña (EIIM). Pinares de Mayarí, Mayarí. Holguín, Cuba.


basin, hydroregulator band.


The following work offers a description about the state of preservation of Río Mayarí Nod, a hydrographic basin of national interest in which the Mayarí dam is also located. This dam is in charge of providing water to Holguín, Las Tunas and a part of Camagüey provinces by means of the East - West conduction system. Taking as a point of departure the main characteristics of the natural enviroment, the geological elements, the existence of dams and micro dams, as well as the state of the forestal sash and the most remarkable environmental impacts, it will be possible to carry out strategies in the process of environmental management in order to better its physical conditions.    


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How to Cite

P, M. R., Salazar-Diez, M. R., Cabrera-Mart, M. F. A., Montoya-Heredia, I. Y., & Matos-Vi, I. A. (2018). State of preservation of Río Mayarí Nod, Holguín, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 22(1), 24–30. Retrieved from




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