Evaluation of different indicators of damages caused by DiatraeasaccharalisFabricius and UstilagoscitamineaSydow in five varieties of sugar cane (Saccharumofficinarum L).
sugar cane woodborer, sugar cane coalAbstract
In the process of cultivation of the sugar cane, plagues are considered a factor of relevant importance due to the several losses that are produced both in the agricultural and the industrial areas. An increase of the damages that these organisms provoke has been observed during the last decades, so it is very important the phytosanitary supervision to the sugar cane plantations. The objective of this work is to determine the damages caused by Diatraeasaccharalisfabricius and Ustilagoscitamineasydow on different trading sugar cane types. The results have showed that both plagues hold a different behavior in relation to the period of study, the cane stump and the trading type.
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