Productive response of the tomato cultivation (Solanun lycopersicum L.) to the use of the Mudra Extra®


  • Ing. Nailis Rodr Cooperativa de Créditos y Servicios Fortalecida “Constantino Lores Alba”, Valle de Caujerí. San Antonio del Sur. Guantánamo.
  • Dr.C. Adrian Montoya-Ramos Dirección de Ciencia y Técnica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado y Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad de Guantánamo.
  • Dr.C. Idalmis Fern Dirección de Ciencia y Técnica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado y Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad de Guantánamo.
  • Ing. Jionnis San Miguel Centro Universitario Municipal “San Antonio del Sur”. Universidad de Guantánamo.
  • Ing. Bernardo Jes Rosa-Mesa Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco, kilómetro 10 Carretera Tlajomulco-San Miguel Cuyutlan, Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco, México.


biostimulant, yield, utilities


In order to evaluate different doses of the MUDRA EXTRA® biostimulant on the cultivation of the tomato variety Vyta there were used four treatments and replicated five times on a block design at random. The number of fruits per plant (U), the polar and equatorial diameter (mm), weight of fruits per plant and yield (kg.m² y t.ha?¹) were evaluated, and taking as a point of departure the data obtained an analysis of variance was made; on the other hand, for the mathematical model corresponding to a randomized block design, the meassures were separated and it was applied the statistical package STATGRAPHICS PLUS vertion 5.0. The results economically evaluated have demonstrated that the most suitable dose to be applied for the yield of the tomato variety Vyta is that one of 300 g.ha?¹ of Mudra EXTRA® where there are obtained 30,53 t.ha?¹ of tomato and $ 63 492.19 in terms of profits.



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How to Cite

Rodr, I. N., Montoya-Ramos, D. A., Fern, D. I., San Miguel, I. J., & Rosa-Mesa, I. B. J. (2017). Productive response of the tomato cultivation (Solanun lycopersicum L.) to the use of the Mudra Extra®. Man, Science and Technology, 21. Retrieved from




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