Diagnoses of the arboreal vegetation of the public spaces in Guantánamo City.
urban forestry, city, public spacesAbstract
This research was developed with the objective of diagnosing the arboreal vegetation in public spaces in Guantánamo city. In the popular councils there were scheduled these tree species previously identified and determined the quantity of species, individuals, genres and families in the floristic analyses; apart from the dasometric data (height, diameter and free- branches height) it was precised the index of value of ecological importance. The results show a total of 454 individuals, which belong to 31 tree species, 22 families and 45 genres distributed in nine popular councils. Concerning the species origin, the exotic ones represent the highest percent (88 %), the highest quantity of individuals belongs to Aleuritis moluccana (L.) Willd, which has the highest index of importance value. Taking into consideration the floristic composition, it was carried out a dendogram to take righter decisions by the principals in this field.
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