Air pollutants emitted by “Argeo Martinez” sugar mill, Guantanamo, Cuba.


  • Dr. C. Anel Hernández-Garces Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE), Cuba. E-mail: , ,
  • MSc. Mirtha Reinosa-Valladares Centro de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Químicas, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Lic. Francisco Hernández-Bilbao Azcuba, La Habana, Cuba.


sugar mills, air pollutants, bioelectric with bagasse, atmospheric pollution


Introduction of bioelectric with bagasse as fuel could solve one of the most important problems at present: atmospheric pollution. This work estimates SO2, NOx and PM emitted by steam boilers from “Argeo Martinez†sugar mill in the Guantanamo province using emission factors as a precedent for the future evaluation of bioelectrics. As a result, lower emission levels were obtained than thermoelectric but several orders higher than those of conventional steam boilers that use hydrocarbons as fuel. Verification of the emissions with the EMA of the NC/TS 803:2010, for the category of Existing Sources verified that for the MP and the NOx, the emissions exceed the legal values. Meanwhile, for the SO2 none of the emissions exceeds the fixed maximum.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Garces, D. C. A., Reinosa-Valladares, M. M., & Hernández-Bilbao, L. F. (2017). Air pollutants emitted by “Argeo Martinez” sugar mill, Guantanamo, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 21(3), 7–14. Retrieved from


