Application of different doses of FitoMas-E in the cultivation Lactuca sativus L.
Lettuce, FitoMas-E, organoponic.Abstract
The present work realized in the “La Confianza†Several Cultivations Company, in the Guantanamo Farm, “El Jardin del Caribe†organoponic, Guantanamo province. The investigation develops in the period of november - december, 2015, with the objective of determine different FitoMas-E doses in the cultivation of the lettuce (Lactuca sativus L.). The application of the product was realized at the moment of the transplant with different FitoMas-E doses in the following treatments (T), which are described next: T1 - 0,5 L/ha; T2 - 1 L/ha; T3 - 1,5 L/ha; and T4-Witness. It was possible to be proved that the soil was possessing an indicator of fertility of 5,6% of organic matter. The value of the fresh mass of head endured better in the treatment T3 with dose 1,5 L/ha of FitoMas-E and average values in the yields of 7,8 kg/m2 of lettuce with a benefit $26,5.Downloads
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Moisés-Medina, M. L. G., Mediaceja-Corona, M. I., Galán-Yán, I. S., Osnil-Moisés, I. J. E., & Martínez-Sánchez, I. A. (2017). Application of different doses of FitoMas-E in the cultivation Lactuca sativus L. Man, Science and Technology, 21(2), 94–103. Retrieved from
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