Relation between the doses of N and Coffeacanephora Pierre's performances cultivated in Dun soils.
Coffeacanephora, nitrogenfertilizer, relative yieldsAbstract
Analysis of experimental existing database of two productive cycles of the coffee-tree, cultivated in dun soils. There was studied the response of five systems of nitrogenous fertilization (0- 200 kg.ha-1 de N), in an experimental design of blocks at random with four replies. The performances were expressed in t.ha-1 of gold coffee for hectare. There were related the maximum stable performances to the doses of N and it was chosen the equation of better adjustment (R2). A positive relation was obtained between nitrogenous fertilization and the relative performance, with values of R2 high and significant and his participation in the performance of the coffee-tree, guaranteed 90 % of the performance. Demonstrating that the scheme of recommendation of dose of fertilizer N, depending on the maximum performances, is valid at its time for any of two sites and suggests his extrapolation for conditions of plantations of Robust on Dun soils.Downloads
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How to Cite
Dacal-Sobrado, E. E., Pérez-Díaz, D. C. A., & Bustamante-González, D. C. C. (2017). Relation between the doses of N and Coffeacanephora Pierre’s performances cultivated in Dun soils. Man, Science and Technology, 21(2), 10–16. Retrieved from
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