Technical and of administration specifications for the organized use of Copernicia baileyana Leon.
Copernicia baileyana Leon, Forests Product Not Timber-yieldingAbstract
With the objective of determining the technical and of administration specifications for the handling ordered of the use of C, baileyana, it is required of an adequate organizing in order to achieving the sustainability of the Forests Product Not Timber-yielding (PFNM) in the time. Starting from the characterization of the populations of C. baileyana in the location of The Yarey, municipality of Manuel Tames, county of Guantanamo, in date June 2012 and of the outputs of the study etnobotanist carried out by means of interviews to 57 people that represents the 100% of the actors of the involved location, it allowed to know the utilized parts, the principal uses, the methods employed in the obtaining of the resource, and the looks related with the commercialization and the legality of the activity, allowing to value the environmental perception of them implicated in the gathering and establish the categories of use of the species in the location.Downloads
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How to Cite
Díaz-Thomas, I. I., & Núñez-Barrizonte, D. A. (2017). Technical and of administration specifications for the organized use of Copernicia baileyana Leon. Man, Science and Technology, 21(1), 34–42. Retrieved from
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