Uso eficiente de fertilizantes en caña de azúcar para manejo sostenible de tierras.


  • Yudith Viñas-Quintero Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar, Arroyo Naranjo, La Habana Cuba.
  • Rafael Villegas-Delgado Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar, Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Pablo Pablos-Reyes Instituto Territorial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar- Oriente Sur, Cuba. Palma Soriano. Santiago de Cuba.
  • Mario de León-Ortiz Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar, Boyeros, La Habana, Cuba.
  • Ledya Benítez-Puig Instituto de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar, 10 de Octubre, La Habana, Cuba.


Sugar cane, fertilizers, agricultural development


The agricultural development of sustainable bases to obtain stable productions economically viable and socially acceptable, in harmony with the environment, imposes the precise knowledge of the nutritional needs of sugarcane. The scientific and technical development achieved in research regarding the use and management of mineral nutrients allowed to implement the Amendments and Fertilizer Recommendations Service. The objectives and fundamental elements of this service are presented, which determines the levels of soil fertility and provides to producing units-recommendations to be implemented at level of minimal unit management (cane fields), as well as the main activities, from soil sampling to checking the proposed doses, through control lots and the major impacts related with inputs saving, additional gain by increasing yields and lands’ sustainable management cultivated with sugarcane.


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How to Cite

Viñas-Quintero, Y., Villegas-Delgado, R., Pablos-Reyes, P., de León-Ortiz, M., & Benítez-Puig, L. (2017). Uso eficiente de fertilizantes en caña de azúcar para manejo sostenible de tierras. Man, Science and Technology, 21(1), 51–57. Retrieved from




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